We help waterproof and protect structures against chemical attacks, joint-leaks, cracks and surface corrosion.
The physical integrity of structures within the water industry depends largely upon the protection of steel reinforcement from corrosion, and the erosion of concrete due to chemicals and abrasion. RANS solutions play a major role in the waterproofing and protection of concrete against chemical attacks, joint-leaks, cracks and corrosion.RANS can cover initial construction right through to refurbishment and decommissioning of water structures. Our Products range includes RANSANTICO-BLP& RANSANTICO-AL.
Our water solutions include:
- A range of high performance and technically superior admixtures for concrete.
- A fully integrated range of highly durable waterproofing solutions for below and above ground waterproofing.
- Protection of external and internal concrete structure to ensure durability.
- Precision-engineered grouts to create a complete support for the base of a machine and for load transfer
- A full range of innovative solutions for sealing expansion and construction joints
- High performance mortars tested to some project, for structural and non-structural repairs in building.