Pipeline Anti-Corrosive Wrapping Tape


RANSPIPE-CBT 2MM is an Anti-Corrosive tape based on Coal Tar/ Bitumen and specifically designed to comply with the requirements of IS: 10221-1982. It incorporates a centre core of 45 gsm/sqm of Fibre Glass Tissue and HMHDPE film of 20 micron which lends mechanical strength, dimensional stability to the product. These centre cores are laminated with 3 layers of coal tar or bitumen mix. The final product has a top and bottom layer of thermo fusible HMHDPE Film.  All the seven layers are calendared together to create this revolutionary 2mm thick tape. The material conforms to IS: 15337-2003 and AWWA: C203-2008.


  • Excellent resistance to positive water & vapor pressure.
  • Good heat resistance.
  • Moisture Resistance.
  • Good dimensional stability under tension.
  • High puncture and fatigue resistance.
  • High tensile and tear strengths.
  • Corrosion Prevention.


The application temperature should be between 5°C to 45°C. Application procedures may vary slightly depending upon site conditions. The general recommended guidelines for the application of the waterproofing system are as follows:


The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly of all contaminants like dust, traces of curing compound, oil and grease. All surface imperfections and protrusions shall be removed and repaired.


Apply Solvent based RANSBITU-PRIMER @ 0.3-0.4L /Sqmt as per ASTM D 41 & IS: 3384-1986 and BS 4147-1980 to a clean smooth and dry surface by brush, roller or spray. Allow the primer to dry prior to the application of the membrane. As the viscosity of the primer is low, it easily creates adhesion between the membrane and the pipe surface. In addition to that the primer also acts as a binder for the dust which gets accumulated on the pipe surface even after cleaning.


Wash all the tools and tackles with industrial solvent immediately after the application is completed.


Avoid prolonged contact with eyes and skin. For detailed information refer to relevant material safety data sheet.


After RANSBITU-PRIMER, next step is followed; RANSPIPE-CBT 2MM Pipe Wrap Coating is then wrapped around the pipe in spiral fashion and bonded to pipe by thermo fusion process using LPG Torch. An overlap of 10mm is to be allowed. The overlaps are to be sealed by thermo fusion process.

  • A second coat of primer is applied over the first layer of RANSPIPE-CBT2MM and allowed to dry till it becomes tacky.
  • RANSPIPE-CBT 2MM second layer is spirally wound over the first layer in spiral fashion and the overlaps are thermo fused.
  • An area of 250 mm at the end of the Pipes is to be left uncoated to permit installation and welding. This area is to be coated after welding.
  • Do not over torch the membrane as this will expose the reinforcement and cause damage to it.
  • Heat both the overlaps and use round tipped trowel to seal the overlap. Adequate heat is confirmed when a uniform flow of melted bitumen compound flows evenly in a bead that oozes from the applied membrane’s edges. Excess compound should be smoothened and pressed into the seam using a heated trowel. Any un-bonded areas must be lifted and re-torched. Do not attempt to reseal by torching the top surface of the membrane. Up stand.

Flashing details are accomplished using cut pieces of RANSPIPE-CBT 2MM in combination with appropriate prefabricated flashing components. The same side lap and end lap rules apply to flashing details as to field membrane.All angles and abutments should be sealed with extra care to ensure full bonding.All brushes and tools should be cleaned by water immediately after use.


RANSPIPE-CBTis supplied in (10.00 Mtr L x 1.00Mtr W) as per given details:-


2MM – (1Mx10M), Weight – 2.5 Kg-2.8 Kg

3MM – (1Mx1M), Weight – 3.75 Kg-4.0 Kg

4MM – (1Mx10M), Weight – 5.0 Kg-5.2 Kg

Store Rolls in a clean dry area protected from direct sunlight and extreme heat and cold. Unopened Rolls can be stored for 12 months.


Product 2mm Anti-Corrosive Pipe Wrapping Tape

 CharacterizationValues                      Standard

Softening point 0˚C     65  121         ASTM D36

Specific gravity           1.30z0.05      ASTM D7l

Ash content, %             0.5 Max.        ASTM D24l5

Physical state         Solid at ambient temperature


Characteristics      Requirement   Test Method

Fineness: %          Shall pass through

w/w, minimum    mesh size of 75

microns                    ASTM D1366

Loss on ignition

at 800° C, w/w max.    10                    ASTM D1208


Property                                                Requirement   Test method

                                                                Min.     Max.     

Service temperature ( 0˚C)                          –                60                       –

Tape thickness m1T1                             2.0    2.5        AWWA C-203

Weight average (kg/sq.m/mm)         1.25                    –           ASTM Dl46

Breaking strength in longitudinal        0.7                    –         AWWA C-203

direction kN/m

Adhesion                                      AWWA C-203.

Insoluble content % by wt. in

Petrol                                            93 minimum (procedure given in   ANNEXURE-I)


Type The fabric shall be a thin, flexible, uniform mat or tissue composed of glass fibers in an open structure bonded with a suitable resinous inert material compatible with coal tar.
Weight (m in) g/m2 40
Thickness (min.) mm 0.3
Breaking load in the longitudinal direction. 2.28KN/m (min.)
Porosity When related to pressure difference across the sample, the glass fibre fabric shall have porosity of not less than 0.6mm and not more than 1.9mm of water at an average air velocity of 61 m/minute (l m/sec.)
Temperature Resistance The fabric shall be unaffected under load in hot coal tar at 288°C for one minute. It shall not shrink length wise or width wise.
Pliability test No cracking shall take place when bent over a mandrel of 3mm radius through 90° arc at a uniform speed of approximately 2 seconds after immersing in water for 10 to 15 minutes.

Property                                          Requirement           Test method

                                                         Min.              Max.     

Softening point ( 0C)                    65                12 l         ASTM D36

Penetration at 250C/                      1                    9        ASTM D5/BS-4164

100g/ 10 ‘ mm/5sec

Filler %                                            20             35               ASTM D 2415 or AWWA C-203


Type Fast drying, synthetic, chlorinated rubber-synthetic plasticizer-solvent based
Drying time (tack free) 15 minutes (approx.) (ASTM D1640)
Flash point > 230C (ASTM D93/D3941)
Volatile matter (105-11 OOC) percent by mass 75 (maximum) (ASTM D2369)
Viscosity, on FORD CUP     NO.

4 (4mm nozzle) at 230C

35-60 seconds (ASTM D1200)
DFT 25 microns/coat (minimum)
Coverage (Theoretical) 10 M2/Lit/Coat
Coverage (Practical) @ 25 microns DFT coat 6 M2/Lit/Coat (minimum) (ASTM D344)
Application properties By brush/ spray should produce an effective bond

between metal and subsequent coaltar tape

Adhesion test ( after 72 hours) The primer shall be tested after applying tape coating as per AWWA C-203.


RANS ENGINEERING & CHEMICALS offers a comprehensive range of products and services for most concrete and finishing needs. Please contact the RANS Technical Service Department or your local RANS agent for further information, samples, demonstrations and instructor services. The information given in this leaflet is based upon laboratory research, as well as extensive field work and application. All products are sold subject to standard conditions of sale which are available on request. This information is based on RANS present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general information on RANS’s products and their methods of use. The prospective user is recommended to determine the suitability of RANS’s suggestions and products before adopting them on a commercial scale.

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