(A Two Grade Hot Applied Bitumen Sealing Compound-Grade A & Grade B)
It has two grades such as RANSBITU-SEAL GRADE-A & RANSBITU-SEAL GRADE-B.The joint compound is heated to temperature which will permit easy pouring into the expansion joint above the joint filler. This temperature should be well below that at which the joint sealing compound undergoes decomposition and should not exceed temperature as specified against each grade of sealing compounds.
RANSBITU-SEAL is an ideal joint sealing compound having following properties-
- It exhibits good adhesion to cement concrete.
- It does not crack during expansion and contraction of slabs.
- Its temperature susceptibility is low enough to prevent excessive flow during summer.
- It is durable and plastic and does not allow any foreign material to penetrate into the joints
It is ideal hot pour sealing compound specially rubberized to withstand cracking. Besides having good adhesion to concrete it is also durable and is not affected by temperature changes. It has a working temperature of 175˚c-185˚c and a density of 1020 kg. Per cubic meter
It is unaffected by petrol spillage especially jet fuel. It is therefore recommended for use in garages, filling stations etc., where there is spillage of petrol, oil and grease. It has a working temperature of 155˚c-165˚c and a density of 1200 kg per cubic meter. On application of this product RANSBITU/JET-PMR is to see that primer has sufficiently dried prior to pouring of RANSBITU-SEAL into the joint.
Avoid prolonged contact with eyes and skin. For detailed information refer to relevant material safety data sheet.

RANSBITU-SEAL is packaged in 20 Kg, 25 Kg & 30 Kg Pack.
Store containers in a clean dry area protected from direct sunlight and extreme heat and cold. Unopened containers can be stored for 12 months.

RANS ENGINEERING & CHEMICALS offers a comprehensive range of products and services for most concrete and finishing needs. Please contact the RANS Technical Service Department or your local RANS agent for further information, samples, demonstrations and instructor services. The information given in this leaflet is based upon laboratory research, as well as extensive field work and application. All products are sold subject to standard conditions of sale which are available on request. This information is based on RANS present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general information on RANS’s products and their methods of use. The prospective user is recommended to determine the suitability of RANS’s suggestions and products before adopting them on a commercial scale.