(Hydrophobic-Polyurethane Injection Grout)
RANSINJECT-1K is a very low viscous, pale yellow colored elastic and solvent-free polyurethane injection resin which reacts with water in a controlled manner to form a swelling, resilient adhesive solid in densities and strength appropriate to the designated task. In contact with water, a uniform, closed and therefore watertight pore structure forms, which is elastic and flexible. Reaction with water yields a flexible polyurethane foam. To be injected with a one-component pump. When injected under pressure into leaking structures, through the process of polymerization, a permanent flexible water barrier is formed.
- RANSINJECT-1K is used for permanent watertight sealing with some flexibility to absorb limited movement, in dry, damp or water-bearing cracks and joints in concrete, brickwork and natural stone.
- No reaction takes place unless it is in direct contact with water.
- It can be injected as a single component system.
- The free foaming expansion in contact with water is up to 40 times.
- The reaction speed (foam formation) is influenced by the temperatures of the mixed material, the structure and the contact water, plus the hydrodynamic conditions.
- In cold temperatures (< +10°C) RANSINJECT-1K can be accelerated using PU INJECTION ACCELERATOR.
- RANSINJECT-1K has very remarkable solidifying property even in ground where water flow is violent. It stops water from oozing and solidifies the ground with high strength. It imparts successful solidifying property in all types of water, such as seawater, mineral water or that containing slight acid and alkali.
RANSINJECT-1K is used for permanent watertight sealing with some flexibility to absorb limited movement, in dry, damp or water-bearing cracks and joints in concrete, brickwork and natural stone.
Avoid prolonged contact with eyes and skin. For detailed information refer to relevant material safety data sheet.
RANSINJECT-1K is packaged in 20 Kg Pack.
Store containers in a clean dry area protected from direct sunlight and extreme heat and cold. Unopened containers can be stored for 12 months.
RANS ENGINEERING & CHEMICALS offers a comprehensive range of products and services for most concrete and finishing needs. Please contact the RANS Technical Service Department or your local RANS agent for further information, samples, demonstrations and instructor services. The information given in this leaflet is based upon laboratory research, as well as extensive field work and application. All products are sold subject to standard conditions of sale which are available on request. This information is based on RANS present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general information on RANS’s products and their methods of use. The prospective user is recommended to determine the suitability of RANS’s suggestions and products before adopting them on a commercial scale.