(A Two Part Polysulhphide- Gun Grade & Pour Grade)
RANSPOLY-SEAL is a two pack THIOKOL (a registered trade mark of MORTON THIOKOL INC, USA) Polysulphide based Sealant with two available grades.
- International class quality from world class materials of MORTON THIOKOL INC. USA.
- High economical material and easy-to-use.
- Excellent adhesion to many substrates.
- High Movement Capability.
- Good Chemical resistance.
- Long Lasting elasticity.
- Easy to pour on horizontal joints with RANSPOLY-SEAL pouring grade.
RANSPOLY SEAL-G is used both in vertical and inclined expansion/contraction joints in all types of building and civil engineering constructions such as Retaining Walls, Water Retaining Structures, Underpasses and Tunnels, Basements, Precast Concrete Elements, Bridges, High and Low rise buildings and wherever a permanently flexible seal is required.
RANSPOLY SEAL-P is designed especially for runways, subways, rigid pavements etc. i.e. for horizontal expansion/contraction joints.
Avoid prolonged contact with eyes and skin. For detailed information refer to relevant material safety data sheet.

RANSPOLY-SEAL is packaged in 1 Kg & 4 Kg Pack.
COLOUR: – Pack A is white and Pack B is Black to dark brown in Colour.
Store containers in a clean dry area protected from direct sunlight and extreme heat and cold. Unopened containers can be stored for 6 months.

RANS ENGINEERING & CHEMICALS offers a comprehensive range of products and services for most concrete and finishing needs. Please contact the RANS Technical Service Department or your local RANS agent for further information, samples, demonstrations and instructor services. The information given in this leaflet is based upon laboratory research, as well as extensive field work and application. All products are sold subject to standard conditions of sale which are available on request. This information is based on RANS present state of knowledge and is intended to provide general information on RANS’s products and their methods of use. The prospective user is recommended to determine the suitability of RANS’s suggestions and products before adopting them on a commercial scale.